New England Pagans and Witches
Witchcraft and Magick
New England Pagans and Witches has been serving the community since 2001. We offer ritual, magick, reiki healing, crystal healing, a weekly prayer and healing ceremony held online. We are here to help others on the Magickal path in life. We celebrate the moon phases, the equinox’s, the solstices, the Sabbats, the celestial realm, and Mother Earth. We offer rites of passage as Ordained Ministers through The Universal Life Church. We are eclectic nature based witches.
My Thoughts
2 ways to Raise your VibrationNovember 5, 2022There has been so much Divine Energy lately . Can you feel it? I sure can. We had the new moon &...June 19, 2022Never Ask a Woman if She's Pregnant Written by Darla Majick 6/19/2022 Never ask a woman if...Areas of Practice
Magick, Ritual, Ceremony, Healing, Energy Work
Oracle and Tarot
Reiki Healing
Energy healing
Essential Oil Blends
Magickal oil blends created by Darla Majick
Crystal Healing
Energy healing with gemstones, elixirs, & crystal oil blends.
Virtual Prayer & Healing Ceremony
Every Sunday at 8pm we include all prayer and healing requests into our weekly ceremony. We create sacred space, we light candles and incense, we send out Reiki, and prayers for each request. Check out our YouTube channel to learn how it works:
Connecting with The Morrigan
Rites of Passage
Handfastings, Births, Funerals,First moontime, Crone ceremony, and more.
Prayer Ceremony Description
Sunday’s prayer and healing ceremony begins at 8pm.
reach out
Darla’s Ramblings
My Thoughts Today
May 2020
Not talking about something doesn’t make it go away. Clear the air and have those discussions 💕
-Darla Majick-March 2020
During these stressful days can we try to have compassion for each other? I’ve been noticing people getting easily frustrated & agitated with others especially when things are not going their way. Kindness has a big impact during worrisome times 💕 Please take a moment to inhale peace & exhale your stress when you are feeling anxious, agitated, & stressed. This is a reminder for myself too. Sending out peace & love 💗
July 2020
My thoughts on leaving a spiritual path for another. It is perfectly natural and fine to want to branch out on our life journey. None of us are trees and stuck in one location for the rest of our physical life. When you are feeling the pull within your soul to learn more and be inspired by another spiritual practice then I say go for it. If people of the “path” you currently belong to make you feel guilty or use fear tactics to prevent you from leaving then take that as a clear sign to move onward. .Fear, shame, guilt from others should never be a reason to remain where you are when your soul sings to another song. It is important for our life’s purpose to learn all we can and experience all we can while we are here in this Earth realm. Trust your own soul and be inspired. Fulfill your life’s purpose. Live, love, enjoy your life while you can 💕
-Darla Majick-July 2020
I am a Witch no matter what I’m wearing or not wearing ⭐️ I know how to direct Energy if I use tools or have none 🕯Don’t get stuck on the 📚 books, crystals 💎 incense 💨, candles 🕯, attire 🎩etc . You are the Magick and the Magick is you all day and night 🌙
Yes, learning is important and we all need to learn so we have knowledge and confidence. Yes, we will always continue to learn as well. After some time you need to remember your connection to the Universal Divine and tap into that part of you 🙏🏼 Remember who you are 🔮Believe, Darla MajickJuly 2020
When shopping try to do less impulse buying. So many items may catch our eye but do you really need it? Do you have something similar at home? Are you using all your already purchased things? I am a crystal coach/healer and many times I want to purchase more stones but I really do have more than enough. It’s one impulse buy I try to refrain from. The last few years Ive been minimizing my lifestyle and trying to get rid of clutter or the things I do not use anymore (I’ve gifted many things away that I no longer need). Look around your home and go through the things that are in boxes and drawers and either use them again or figure out if you want to give them away. Another good thing is try enjoying experiences versus buying stuff that only gives you a moment of happiness or pleasure. Experiences give us joyful memories that last a lifetime.
Happy hunting through the stuff, Darla Majick
August 4, 2020
2 simple ways to raise your vibration is spending time at bodies of water and/or the forest/woods. Oceans, lakes, woods, forests, and mountain settings are some of the best ways to raise your Energy vibration and easy to do.
Stuck Energy creates blockages and illness. It’s important to move our bodies in Gaia’s natural settings which helps us absorb the beneficial Energy Gaia provides.
We need to be conscious of how we engage our own Energy and where. Our Energy centers (chakras, aura, and soul) absorb what’s going on around us. When we stay focused we can make better choices as to if we want to engage in toxic and negative Energy or not. Places of work and school are areas some of us lose our focus and engage in behaviors that lower our vibration. Participating in gossip or talking about others negatively are sure fire ways to deplete our Energy. It’s also a way of creating blockages within our Energy centers.
Let us be mindful of our thoughts and behaviors and how we engage in the Energies around us. Participate in behaviors that are uplifting and supportive. Spend more time at the woods and bodies of water which are naturally healing and uplifting. Offer your thanks and gratitude to Gaia when you do spend time in her realm. Raise your Vibration today and visit a place in nature.
Enjoy, Darla Majick.
August 6, 2020
We are in the portal known as the Lion's Gate: July 26-Aug 13th. Each year on August 8 (8th day of the 8th month), a powerful surge of solar energies offers us spiritual information through Light codes and Star codes. These codes help to awaken and transform us. During this time the Earth is in alignment with the star Sirius. On 8/8 this alignment reaches its peak. Our life force and Energy centers are awakened during this period and we can tap into the celestial frequencies and codes that open us up to our Higher consciousness. Meditate, journal, dance, drum, dream, and connect with your spirit guides during this powerful time where this Portal is opened to each of us. It is a time of spiritual awakening and ascension. Always ask for assistance from guides and energies that are helpful and surround yourself with a protective shield when doing magick, ritual, and other forms of spiritual connection.
Celestial blessings, Darla Majick.
September 2020
Ok tribe, I always think of Saturday’s and Sunday’s as sensual and sexual days. Put your hands on your root and sacral chakras, take a long deep breath in through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, and release any stagnant energy. Let go, release, heal,and be open for the creative-sensual-foundational-expression-possibility’s that are waiting for you ❤️ Enjoy, Darla Majick 🌙⭐️
September 19, 2020
Ok tribe, diversity is important to me. You have your own beliefs and thats great so stop bashing the way other people believe, think, and live life. We all come in different shapes, genders, colors, religious/spiritual, political, diverse backgrounds. We have billions of people in this world we share because we have more than one person living here 🌎 ❤️ Darla Majick 🌙⭐️
September 26, 2020
I've learned as we raise our vibration on the path to Ascension we might lose some people in our life. We might even be excluded or a 2nd thought to some people we thought were close to us. Ive been on a path to raise my vibration. Perhaps those who I feel are forgetting about me just are not ready for that next level of vibration? I realize we all evolve and grow at different times in our lives and that is okay. Darla Majick 🌙⭐️
November 28, 2020
Are you an empath or are you sensitive to the Energies around you? If so, you can be absorbing other people’s Energy into your Auric field which influences your mind, body, and emotions. Use the upcoming full moon to cleanse and clear that “Stuff” if it is weighing you down, making you anxious/depressed, exhausted, sad, and feeling unhealthy.
Moon Bathing is one of my favorite ways to cleanse myself of all the gunk that feels stuck. Stand under the moon with your palms up to absorb Luna’s light. Give your gratitude to Luna and ask her to clear away all stuck and stagnant Energy (especially the Energy that doesn’t belong to you) from your mind, your body, and your spirit. Stand under her Light as long as what feels good to you. When finished shake your hands or clap them and give Luna your thanks. Luna Light blessings, Darla Majick 🌟
December 21,2020 Solstice and Changes
Happy Solstice and Blessed Yule. Be sure to check out Jupiter & Saturn in the sky later today. This is the closest these 2 planets have been for over a few hundred years!
2021 will bring us new possibilities and change as we replace the old ways and structures.
I would say that most of us Magickal folk, Empaths, and Sensitives have felt these stirrings over the last few years but especially this year of 2020.
Drop a fire 🔥 emoji if you are also ready for much needed change. Do this on our facebook page .
Solstice Blessings,
Darla Majick 🌟🌙⭐️
December 23, 2020 End of Year Changes Ahead
As leave leave 2020 to begin a new year are you noticing the stirring of change? Did you tap into the Energy of the Saturn - Jupiter conjunction which has not occurred in over a few hundred years? What a year it has been dealing with the pandemic and, also, politics! There’s been an uprising in our world demanding change. Leaving one way of life for another. Mother Earth 🌍 has been giving us messages for years now that change is necessary. We cannot continue wasting resources and going against nature. We now face a time of change, of balance, of healing, of understanding, and of equality. The Patriarchy and Matriarchy must work in the balance of the sacred masculine and feminine. One cannot exist without the other. We are transitioning and shifting into the Changes ahead. We can resist change or embrace it. What a time to be alive! Let us rise and work with Mother Earth as we embrace the changes ahead.
Diving Blessings, Darla Majick ⭐️
December 26, 2020 A Year of Reflections
2020 Reflections. It’s been amazing how posts regarding views on the corona virus, the covid vaccine, and politics has created such division, judgements, and even hate between people.
Many friendships and family ties were severed because of variances of beliefs and opinions. Yes, some ways people expressed their beliefs and opinions were certainly hostile, rude, and mean. However, some people just shared their views and others could not agree with an opposing belief.
What did these people do? They either severed the relationship completely, chose to block someone on social media, or “snooze” the person on social media and texts.
If you choose to continue a relationship why not just hide the post you are not in alignment with instead of blocking or snoozing the person? If a friend’s post is so upsetting to you then why are you not reaching out and talking with them? Social media has created ways to dismiss people in our lives all too easily without a second thought.
Real relationships are not about agreeing on everything. We grow through what challenges us otherwise we stay stagnant. Why did you choose this person to be part of your tribe in the first place? Was it to have someone nourish your ego and made you feel better? That is not a relationship. We all have our own beliefs and opinions and in personal friendships and family then we should be allowed to express ourselves. That said, we need to be mindful of our expressions because being a bully, judgemental, and down right mean is also unacceptable.
Not all relationships are meant to last and if someone begins behaving like a bully then it could be time that relationship is at it’s end. That is okay but please talk it out before things take a drastic turn.
Of course we are not going to agree with everthing we read on social media. Some posts we may choose to “hide” so we do not have to engage in those posts. That said, we should not be hiding or blocking a true friend or family member because of our differences. You will never know if something important happened in that person’s life when choosing to block or snooze someone. That person just may need support from you. They might not think you even care because you havent reached out or responded to a post that was important.
Think about why you are blocking or snoozing a person instead of the post who is supposed to be important in your life before wrecking that relationship because you are upset they posted something you do not agree with. Yes, some relationships may have reached their end but please appreciate the people who are truly important to you.
Moving on to 2021⭐️
Darla Majick
April Earth Day Reminder
As we approach Earth Day 🌎 (a day to bring awareness to the Earth Mother) how are you caring for Gaia? Are you a caretaker of the Earth and the animals She cares for? How are you treating Her? What is your role as a steward of the Earth and the animal kingdom and plant kingdom? Are you living in harmony or disharmony with Mother Earth? 🌍
Darla Majick ⭐️4/19/2021
Mother Earth has turned nature’s wheel to Beltane. A time where Gaia is blooming with her bounty and fertility. She reminds us of what she has to offer us and, in return, how we need to continue being care takers of the Earth. Beltane is also a great time of deciding what path you are taking. Are you taking the path less traveled or followed by others? Are you making your own choices or letting someone else make your choices for you? Take the time today to consider your path, your choices, how you are caring for yourself, and how you can better take care of Mother Earth.
Beltane Blessings,
Darla Majick ⭐️
Take Care of You
Try not to deplete your Energy by attaching yourself to negative thoughts, comments, situations, etc. Uplift yourself to what supports your soul’s purpose ❤️ One thing I say to myself if I am thinking negatively or someone said something negative is “I neutralize that (thought, comment, word, etc)” I also like to say “I fill myself with Divine Light” when I am feeling negatively or around others being negative. I take a few relaxing breaths as well to breathe in divine energy and blow out/release negative energy. Little things do help 🙂
Blessings,Darla Majick
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Check out our products.
Full Moon Oil
$22.00$22 includes shipping
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email Darla Majick to order Majickeyes1126@yahoo.comQuantityComing soonThird Eye Oil Blend
$12.001 dram oil. Handcrafted under the full moon. Rub a small amount onto the middle of your forehead to use for divination, meditation, astral travel, dream working, and connecting with your spirit guides and ancestorsQuantityComing soon
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